Cancellation policy
Before the booking is confirmed, the customer is free to cancel the reservation in its entirety without any costs. If you already know before the final confirmation date that the trip will not take place, we are grateful if we are told as soon as possible.
For a cancellation to be considered valid, the customer must be able to substantiate the cancellation with some form of confirmation. Copy of sent email, email reply where Polena Rederi AB confirms that the reservation has been canceled, or an updated booking confirmation with the revised number of participants. Any cancellation must be made no later than the day the booking is to be confirmed. It is not a valid cancellation to claim that you called but no one replied. On the other hand, it is sufficient that you can show that you emailed a cancellation to Polena Rederi AB. A read receipt is considered valid.
Up to 72 hours before departure.
Cancellation is accepted. 25% of the canceled order value is charged as a cancellation fee.
Up to 24 hours before departure.
Cancellation is accepted. 50% of the canceled order value is charged as a cancellation fee.
Less than 24 hours before departure.
100% of the canceled order value is charged as a cancellation fee.
Cancellation in case of illness or other unforeseeable events.
Cancellation in the event of illness or other particularly painful reasons is accepted. In order for a cancellation fee not to be charged, Polena Rederi AB can request that illness or another reason can be proven with a doctor’s certificate or other documentation.
If illness or other other unforeseeable cannot be proven, a cancellation fee will be charged according to the above.